
About the app

Writing weekly about what you are grateful for has been shown to increase happiness, and have dozens of emotional and health benefits.

We wanted to create a fun and delightful app to keep people coming back and writing each week. Sign up with a group, or what we call a nest, of close friends or family who want to do this happiness challenge with you. Then go forth and write! Once you complete your challenge for the week, you can see everyone else's entries. Goal is to get everyone in the nest to write at least once a week. Tap on your pal to nudge them to post that week. Be happy!

Check out the research here: http://happierhuman.com/benefits-of-gratitude/

Once you install the app, please allow us to send push notifications so your friends can remind you to write. Allow access to your camera if you'd like to take photos to add to your entries. Allow location access if you'd like us to automatically remember where you were at the time you wrote the entry.

Please contact happynestteam@gmail.com for Happynest app support.

Special Thanks To

The Happynest Team

Carina Boo

Deeksha Prabhakar

Dylan Miller

James Zihan Zhou